Click below to download our brochure Supercalm Sensory Products - Everything you need to know. The why and what of the program designed for the children in your primary school with additional needs: Autism, Dyspraxia, Dyslexia, Anxiety, Sensory Processing Disorder, ADHD.
Have you considered local sponsorship to purchase this essential sensory equipment?
Customer expectations are changing, download the SPONSORSHIP PACK which includes 4
reasons why your local bank, credit union, pharmacy,publican or supermarket business will want to showcase community links & social responsibility programmes through the SUPERCALM SENSORY PRODUCTS program in your school.
Here at Super Calm Sensory Products our aim is to educate parents, carers, teachers and children on neurodiversity and the impact it can have on the person caring for the child with a neurodiverse difference. We aim to increase understanding on what is happening in the body of a neurologically different person resulting in greater empathy in understanding certain behaviours. By developing sensory diets and activities aimed towards their specific sensory needs the child should reach optimum levels of arousal to allow them to be present during school and home life.
Someone who has neurologically diverse differences may react differently to others around sensory stimuli and other environmental factors. The overall goal is to promote understanding and increase empathy resulting in a more harmonious environment for all.