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Does your school need a SUPERHERO to fund sensory equipment? 

SUPERCALM’s range of sensory supports for emotional regulation will make a lasting impact on the educational journey for ALL students especially those with extra needs such as Autism, ADHD, Down Syndrome, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, Dyslexia, Learning Delays, Sensory Processing Disorder, Anxiety, Tourettes and developmental conditions. A lack of timely interventions can lead to severe long term impacts on students.

Currently there is insufficient state funding to provide the diagnosis, treatment interventions, infrastructure, sensory equipment, staff training and resources to effectively educate and meet the social and emotional needs of our children with special needs:

What's the short term solution?

At SUPERCALM we believe it's time to find your school SUPERHEROES.  We have prepared a bright and cheerful information resource titled

'Would you like to be our school SUPERHERO?'

Schools can use this information as part of their proposal to prospective sponsors.


The aim being to find prospective local businesses, larger organisations and philanthropy groups who:

  • have a sense of social responsibility to support ALL students’ equal right to an education regardless of their ability or financial means.

  • value their contribution to a universal learning environment.

  • wish to empower students for the long term to develop essential life skills promoting wellbeing among the wider community.


Top tips to find a sponsor:

Asking a cohort other than parents is most probably a new fundraising avenue for the school  so we wanted to guide you with our top tips. Hit the download button below for the who & how to successfully raise funds to purchase sensory equipment.

We have photos of the full SUPERCALM product range available to accompany your proposal - just call 01 862 3852 or email and we can share with you. 


Please feel free to contact Caroline on 01 862 3852 for help and advice on fundraising or finding a sponsors in your local area. We have database of funding contacts. We will also happily call any prospective sponsors on the schools behalf if you wish to purchase SUPERCALM products, we can be very passionate / persuasive! 


#autism, #sensory #sensoryplay #sensoryplayideas #autismmum #inclusion #wellbeing #dyspraxia #adhd #spd #sensoryprocessingdisorder #sensoryroom #sensoryrooms #movementbreak #fundraiser #fundraising #movementbreaks

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